
bingchen / 1870人阅读




AOSP stands for Android Open Source Project.


Stock Android is what Google provides in their Nexus devices.
Stock ROM on the other hand is when Google releases source code for the latest android OS and mobile companies take this standard source code released by Google and then port it to work on various devices by integrating some device specific drivers and software into the standard source code.



Maybe instead of "stock", we can use the term vanilla?



Nandroid, sometimes written as NANDroid, is a portmanteau for NAND flash memory, the type of permanent storage memory that your device uses, and Android. A Nandroid backup is a de-facto (by the hacking community) standard directory structure for backing up a perfect mirror image of your Android device. By doing this backup, you can save literally everything, from your own personal data to the system files.

NANDroid是NAND和Android的合体词语,通常是指Nandroid backup 。而Nandroid backup是hacking论坛 社区起的名字,是一个目录结构的标准,主要是为了备份你的手机,包括用户数据和系统的文件。以后你就能再次用这个备份来将手机恢复到这个状态。

Rom Mod Firmware

Although the real definitions are different, in the Android world, ROM, Mod, and Firmware are all used as if they mean essentially the same thing. They all refer to a customised version of the Android operating system that has been modified to work on a particular brand of phone with a specific set of customisations or changes. This can be done so that an old phone like the G1 can be given a brand new version of Android, such as 2.2 even if the manufacturer has decided not to provide it. Or could be to provide extra functionality not available in the manufacturer"s supplied version of Android, or to fix problems in the manufacturer supplied version.

Rom,Mod,Firmware 指的是一个东西,就是android系统,一般是定制化过的,用来运行在特定品牌的机器上。


An Over The Air (OTA) update is when your phone receives an update to its Android operating system "over the air", ie it is sent the files automatically over the cellular network from either Google or from your phone network without ever needing to be plugged into a PC.



Rooting is when you gain "Root" access to the phone giving you the power to do anything you want to it (it comes from the Unix Root User, essentially the Unix equivalent to the Windows Administrator account). Normally you"re prevented from being Root for your own good, as it"s very easy to break your phone once you have root access, and quite hard to break it without.



The bootloader controls how the device boots. Google"s PC-side tool for getting into the bootloader and other related tasks is called Fastboot, and running the bootloader interactively may be called "Fastboot mode". A locked bootloader will verify the Android system partition and restore it to stock if it doesn"t match, whereas an unlocked bootloader doesn"t do the same checking, which is why unlocking the bootloader is required to permanently root a device.



fastboot is a small tool that comes with the Android SDK (software developer kit) that can be used to re-flash partitions on your device. It is an alternative to the recovery mode for doing installations and updates.

Because fastboot mode can start on your device even before Android loads (and can even run when Android isn"t installed at all), fastboot mode is useful for updating the firmware quickly, without having to use a recovery mode. In fact, it"s frequently the preferred way to initially install the recovery image on many devices. Fastboot can also be used for developer operations like unlocking the bootloader of Google"s Nexus devices.

Not all devices support fastboot, but many do.

There are two "sides" to using fastboot-- the computer side and the device side. Typically your device first is connected to your computer via a USB cable. Then you boot to the "fastboot mode" on the device. On your computer, you then run the fastboot tool to issue commands. Please note that fastboot commands will ONLY work while the device is in fastboot mode.

fastboot mode是在android系统启动前运行,因此非常适合快速升级系统的firmware,而不需要进入recovery模式(相比升级速度慢了很多)。而一般fastboot是用来初始安装recovery image的首选途径。此外fastboot模式下还能解锁bootloader。



reboot system now
apply sdcard:update.zip
wipe data/factory reset
wipe cache partition





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