Redis - Redisson vs Jedis

Rocture / 299人阅读


Additional dependencies

Jedis requires Apache Commons Pool 2 for connection-pooling.

Redisson requires Netty, the JCache API and Project Reactor as basic dependencies.

Programming model

Jedis is a low-level driver exposing Redis API as Java method calls:

Jedis jedis = …;

jedis.set("key", "value");

List values = jedis.mget("key", "key2", "key3");

Redisson is a high-level client, each call invokes one or more Redis calls, some of them are implemented with Lua (Redis "Scripting").

Redisson redisson = …

RMap map = redisson.getMap("my-map"); // implement java.util.Map

map.put("key", "value");




Jedis uses blocking I/O and method calls are synchronous. Your program flow is required to wait until I/O is handled by the sockets. There"s no asynchronous (Future, CompletableFuture) or reactive support (Reactive Streams Publisher). Jedis client instances are not thread-safe hence they require connection-pooling (Jedis-instance per calling thread).

Redisson uses non-blocking I/O and an event-driven communication layer with netty. Connections are pooled, but the API itself is thread-safe and requires fewer resources. you can even operate on a single connection. That"s the most efficient way when working with Redis.

Client implementation

Jedis gives you full control over the commands you invoke and the resulting behavior. 较底层,可塑性强,high-level features要自己实现。

Using Redissons high-level features means that you can use objects without the need of knowing they are backed by Redis (Map, List, Set, …)。省的自己去实现轮子。

总结:Redisson supports all the things Jedis supports and provides read strategies for Master/Slave setups, has improved support for AWS ElastiCache. 另外有中文文档。。。




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