How to serve uncommon file in WebDAV using IIS in

silencezwm / 2767人阅读


We are using a cross-platform web password manager, and this manager is deployed in our own on promised cloud. Although it supports Dropbox, Google Drive, One Drive, our network does not allow them. So, the issue comes, the data file need be stored somewhere in the network. Then the only choice left is WebDAV.

Some Issues

This password manager requires SSL.
Web serving involves HTTP response configuration.
The data file is not common type.

Procedure Turn on IIS

Add Web Server (IIS) server role and install the following additional feature
WebDAV Publishing
Centrailized SSL Certificate Support

Configure IIS Generate Self-Signed Certificate

Goto IIS Manager

Open Server Certificates

Click Create Self-Signed Certificate

Select Web Hosting for the certificate store

Enable SSL

Goto the site

Click Bindings

Add a new site binding with type https, select the SSL certificate just created.

WebDAV Authorization

Goto the site

Open WebDAV Authoring Rules

Add new rule as you prefer

Serve Uncommon File

Goto the site

Open MIME Types

Add new entry with the file extension and tyope application/octet-stream

Optional HTTP Response Headers Configuration

Add Access-Control-Allow-Origin with value * to solve "No Access-Control-Allow-Origin header is present Or Working With Cross Origin Request".
Add Access-Control-Allow-Headers with value Content-Type to solve "Request header field Access-Control-Allow-Headers is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Headers in preflight response".
For me, I need to add another value Cache-Control for Access-Control-Allow-Headers as required by the password manager.




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