这种是在网上抄的,的确非常简洁function add(a,b) { let res="", c=0; a = a.split(""); b = b.split(""); while (a.length || b.length || c){ c += ~~a.pop() + ~~b.pop(); res = c % 10 + res; c = c>9; } return res.replace(/^0+/,""); }
let compose = (f, g) => (...args) => f(g(...args)); let addUnit = a => b => b + a; let myPop = a => a.pop(); // 有副作用 let myNumber = a => ~~a; let remainderTen = x => x % 10; let isGreeterNine = x => x > 9; let replaceHeadZero = x => x.replace(/^0+/, ""); let pAndN = compose(myNumber, myPop); let loop = (a, b, res, c) => { //尾递归,即在函数末尾自调用 if (!a.length && !b.length && !c) return res; let getC = compose(addUnit(pAndN(b)), addUnit(pAndN(a))); let getEes = compose(addUnit(res), remainderTen); return loop(a, b, getEes(getC(c)), isGreeterNine(getC(c))); } let add = (a, b) => compose(replaceHeadZero, loop)(a.split(""), b.split(""), "", 0);自己想的
function add(a, b) { a = a.split("").reverse(); b = b.split("").reverse(); function addMap(aArrayIns, bArrayIns) { return aArrayIns.reduce((accumulator, currentValue, index) => { let c = ~~bArrayIns[index] + ~~currentValue + ~~accumulator[index]; if (c >= 10) { accumulator[index] = (c - 10).toString(); accumulator.push("1"); } else { accumulator[index] = c.toString(); } return accumulator; }, []).reverse().join(""); } return a.length >= b.length ? addMap(a, b) : addMap(b, a); }
let compose = (f, g) => x => f(g(x)); let myReverse = x => { let [...y] = x; return y.reverse(); }; let mySplit = x => x.split(""); let myToString = x => x.toString(); let myPushOne = x => { let [...y] = x; y.push("1"); return y; } let setValue = index => value => targetArray => { let [...y] = targetArray; y[index] = value; return y; } let splitAndReverse = compose(myReverse, mySplit); let myReduce = x => y => y.reduce(fnHandleAdd(splitAndReverse(x)), []); let fnHandleAdd = a => (accumulator, currentValue, index) => { let c = ~~a[index] + ~~currentValue + ~~accumulator[index]; return c >= 10 ? compose(myPushOne, setValue(index)(myToString(c - 10)))(accumulator) : setValue(index)(myToString(c))(accumulator); }; let addMap = (a, b) => compose(compose(R.join(""), myReverse), compose(myReduce(b), splitAndReverse))(a); let add = (a, b) => a.length >= b.length ? addMap(a, b) : addMap(b, a);
let addMap = (a, b) => compose(compose(R.join(""), myReverse), compose(myReduce(b), splitAndReverse))(a);
let addMap = (a, b) => compose(R.join(""), myReverse, myReduce(b), splitAndReverse)(a);
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