


  • 基于Vue,ElementUI开发的一款表单设计器 GitHub地址: 特性 可视化配置页面 提供栅格布局,并采用flex实现对齐 一键预览配置的效果 一键生成配置json数据 一键生成代码,立即可运行 提供自定义组件满足用户自定义需...

    DandJ 评论0 收藏0
  • Python学习之路4-if语句 requested_toppings: print(Adding extra cheese.) print( Finished making your pizza!) # 结果: Adding mushrooms. Adding extra cheese. Finished making your pizza! 总之:如果你只想执行一个代码块,就用if-elif-else...

    JouyPub 评论0 收藏0
  • Making Your Python Codes More Functional

    本篇文章是基于Joel Grus: Learning Data Science Using Functional Python视频的笔记。 常用的函数 currying 在Python中实现科里化的最佳方案是functools.partial。例如以下例子: # 一般版本 def add1(x): return add(1, x) # FP的版本 add1_functional = partia...

    gplane 评论0 收藏0
  • 每天一本电子书 - JavaScript for Kids

    ...ented ProgrammingPart III: CanvasChapter 13: The canvas ElementChapter 14: Making Things Move on the CanvasChapter 15: Controlling Animations with the KeyboardChapter 16: Making a Snake Game: Part ...

    Eirunye 评论0 收藏0
  • Making An Indicator With Pure CSS

    简单的说明一下,使用这个标题并不就是说要使用全英文来写这篇文章,主要是实在想不到更好的叫法了,也不知道怎么样能够更好的翻译成中文。 可以简单地理解为:使用 CSS 来实现一个阅读文章时的简单的进度条效果。 ...

    church 评论0 收藏0
  • Python学习之路7-函数

    ...ake_pizza(size, *toppings): 概述要制作的披萨 print( Making a + str(size) + -inch pizza with the following toppings:) for topping in toppings: print(- + topping) make_pizza(16, pepper...

    pekonchan 评论0 收藏0
  • 在XMLSignature中使用BouncyCastle做RSA

    Abstract There is an article shows demo code for making XMLSignature by using Java XML Digital Signature API, where it actually uses to do DOM formation, and th...

    LiangJ 评论0 收藏0
  • Java多线程基础(十一)——Future模式

    ... public RealData(int count, char c) { System.out.println( making RealData( + count + , + c + ) BEGIN); char[] buffer = new char[count]; for (int i = 0; i < count; i...

    tinyq 评论0 收藏0
  • 创建一种深思熟虑的文化

    ...ned. I asked him what his business’ purpose was and he only talked about making profits. Often, the leader hasn’t done the required ‘soul searching’ to come up with an inspiring and compelling purp...

    Keagan 评论0 收藏0
  • Python数据结构学习

    ...同列表 # 这验证了它们都指向着同一个对象 print(Copy by making a full slice) # 通过全切片来获得一个副本 mylist = shoplist[:] # 移除第一个元素 del mylist[0] print(shoplist is, shoplist) print(mylist is, mylist) # 注意到现在这两个列表有差异了 ...

    leon 评论0 收藏0
  • 从不用 try-catch 实现的 async/await 语法说错误处理 }) .catch(err => Promise.reject(() => { // making model error // deal with it return err === 1 ? Error occurred wh...

    0xE7A38A 评论0 收藏0


