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回答:/*有人提到看sas帮助文档,我的看法是学习如何看SAS文档非常必要,但用HELP入门是件很低效的事情,因为完全是按工具书用途来设计,是使用时用来查询而不是阅读的*/入门学习一件东西,只需要:0. 掌握必要的知识基础1. 一本易读的入门书籍2. 一门好懂的入门课程3. 一些易得的练习机会4. 一个坚持下去的动机其中0和4是必要的,123只要有1种或以上,入门并不难。0. 知识基础如果只是学习SAS...

MRZYD | 871人阅读


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    ...kground in probability and statistics for students in statistics, Computer science (especially data mining and machine learning), mathematics, and related disciplines. 2008-统计学完全教程:由美国当代著名统计学家L·沃塞曼...

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    ...kground in probability and statistics for students in statistics, Computer science (especially data mining and machine learning), mathematics, and related disciplines. 2008-统计学完全教程:由美国当代著名统计学家L·沃塞曼...

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    ...kground in probability and statistics for students in statistics, Computer science (especially data mining and machine learning), mathematics, and related disciplines. 2008-统计学完全教程:由美国当代著名统计学家L·沃塞曼...

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