




  • 【翻译】Designing Websites for iPhone X

    ...s 11.2beta中表现出来。 Out of the box, Safari displays your existing websites beautifully on the edge-to-edge display of the new iPhone X. Content is automatically inset within the display’s safe area so...

    SwordFly 评论0 收藏0
  • 【翻译】Designing Websites for iPhone X

    ...s 11.2beta中表现出来。 Out of the box, Safari displays your existing websites beautifully on the edge-to-edge display of the new iPhone X. Content is automatically inset within the display’s safe area so...

    kgbook 评论0 收藏0
  • 【翻译】Designing Websites for iPhone X

    ...s 11.2beta中表现出来。 Out of the box, Safari displays your existing websites beautifully on the edge-to-edge display of the new iPhone X. Content is automatically inset within the display’s safe area so...

    Shimmer 评论0 收藏0
  • Let's Encrypt 泛域名证书申请及配置

    ...i-php.conf; include snippets/ssl-params.conf; root /home/godruoyi/websites/; access_log /home/godruoyi/websites/; erro...

    luckyyulin 评论0 收藏0
  • Node 连接mysql数据库

    ...句使用大写。方便分辨和后期的维护 var sql = SELECT * FROM websites; // sql命令 connection.query(sql, (err, results, fields) => { // results 为查询的结果 fields 为返回的信息 if (err) { console.log([SELECT ERROR]...

    qujian 评论0 收藏0
  • Mysql梳理1

    ... ename 列中 M开头 的值。 与NOT连用,反向选择:SELECT * FROM Websites WHERE name NOT LIKE %oo%; 调优tips:通配符搜索一般比其他搜索要耗费更长的处理时间,不要过度使用通配符。如果其他操作符能达到相同的目的,应该使用其他操作符...

    jkyin 评论0 收藏0
  • 通过爬虫快速获取可用代理IP

    ...oxy Server Crawler is a tool used to crawl public proxy servers from proxy websites. When crawled a proxy server(ip::port::type), it will test the functionality of the server automatically. Current...

    BearyChat 评论0 收藏0
  • https证书互信解决方案—创建私有CA并申请证书

    ...(eg, section) []:unit #部门名 Common Name (eg, your websites domain name) []:localhost #服务域名 Email Address []: #电子邮件 后面一些...

    Galence 评论0 收藏0
  • https证书互信解决方案—创建私有CA并申请证书

    ...(eg, section) []:unit #部门名 Common Name (eg, your websites domain name) []:localhost #服务域名 Email Address []: #电子邮件 后面一些...

    raoyi 评论0 收藏0
  • Java 发送HTTPS请求到非信任网站

    ...rogram When writing unit tests, we may need to send HTTPS requests to some websites and get the results. But when the certificate from these websites cannot be verified, handshake exception would b...

    IamDLY 评论0 收藏0
  • Java URL类踩坑指南,version:0.01,contents:[{category:综合版块,websites:[{tag:门户网站,url:[,,,h...

    zhisheng 评论0 收藏0
  • 不可不知的python模块--collections

    ...Coordinate(x=100, y=200) 100 200 Coordinate(x=30, y=200) 30 200 例子2: websites = [ (Sohu,, u张朝阳), (Sina,, u王志东), (163,, u...

    韩冰 评论0 收藏0
  • 《JavaScript Web应用开发》作者Nicolas:恰巧,爱好变职业(图灵访谈)

    ...amming? When I was around 10, I had some classes using Flash. Also, I made websites for fun. In high school, I did a couple of more interesting projects, like playing the game called Ultima Online....

    wawor4827 评论0 收藏0
  • 提高网站加载速度的一些小技巧

    ...{ alert( Hello Everybody ); } else { alert( We love Websites ); } return; alert( 1 ); } 优化后: function test(){alert(We love Websites)} 正如你所看到的,优化工具删除不会用到的变量,还删掉了死代码。 ...

    baukh789 评论0 收藏0
  • 前端开发清单

    ...都需要对LTR和RTL语言进行测试。 ? 构建RTL-Aware Web Apps & Websites: Part 1 | Mozilla Hacks ? 构建RTL-Aware Web Apps & Websites: Part 2 | Mozilla Hacks ⬆ 返回顶部 Images 注意: 想要完整的了解图像优化,可以在Addy Osmani查看免费电子书图像优化基础...

    W_BinaryTree 评论0 收藏0


