UDDP (UCloud Distributed Data Processing) is developed on the basis of the open source Hadoop framework, including MapReduce and Hive. It provides easy and quick to handle digital marketing, data analytics, business intelligence, scientific simulation and other services that require TB or PB level data processing.

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Localization Experience

Uses localized Hadoop, which provides users with experience identical the local Hadoop; allows seamless data migration between local clusters and UDDP clusters.

Stability and Security

Uses double Namenode and Jobtracker node backup to ensure system stability and availability. Network separation and Kerberos authentication guarantee independence and security of all users.


No need to build and manage Hadoop-related services. Our simple and efficient processing of huge data volume easily responds to explosive data growth.

Flexible Extension

Allows quick creation of a demo version and configuration changes that respond to your business needs. Billing is calculated in accordance with actual use of computation and storage resources, what guarantees reduced costs.



MapReduce offers essential HDFS and MapReduce services for a variety of applications, including log analysis, Web indexing, databases, and other large volume data processing. Among them, HDFS provides storage for huge amounts of data, while MapReduce provides calculation for huge amounts of data.


Hive is used to store and handle vast amounts of structured data. It is used in SQL-like syntax to send queries, statistics, updates to HDFS databases, what is suitable for the statistical analysis of databases.

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