
UCloud Disk (UDisk) provides permanent hard disk storage space for cloud hosting. Cloud hard disk has an independent life cycle; due to network access distribution, it provides highly reliable, scalable hard disks for data stored on cloud hosts.

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Scalable Extension

Hard disk spaces range from 1G up to 1T; a single host can mount multiple cloud drives, what allows maximum extension of space capacity to dozens of T. They can be quickly created and loaded, and have extension options which provide greater capacity at any time.

High Availability of Data

Every cloud disk guarantees multiple redundant data copies which are synchronized in real time to ensure that a breakdown of single host will not have any adverse effect.

Independent Persistence

Cloud disks can be mounted on any cloud hosts; they have different life cycles, but when the cloud host is deleted, cloud disk data still exists, and can be mounted and accessed on another cloud host.

Backup and Recovery

Users have access to snapshot backups of data and storage, and can perform data recovery at any time by pressing the snapshot point.


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