




  • Leetcode PHP题解--D8 832. Flipping an Image

    832. Flipping an Image 题目链接 832. Flipping an Image 题目分析 题目要求把一个只有0和1的二维数组中的0和1取反变为1和0。即1变0,0变1。 且需要把每行数据倒序过来。 思路 今天我尝试换一种方法描述思路。 输入是一个二维数组,那...

    hellowoody 评论0 收藏0
  • leetcode5: 矩阵反转

    ...e horizontally means that each row of the image is reversed. For example, flipping [1, 1, 0] horizontally results in [0, 1, 1]. To invert an image means that each 0 is replaced by 1, and each 1 is...

    hot_pot_Leo 评论0 收藏0
  • leetcode5: 矩阵反转

    ...e horizontally means that each row of the image is reversed. For example, flipping [1, 1, 0] horizontally results in [0, 1, 1]. To invert an image means that each 0 is replaced by 1, and each 1 is...

    EasonTyler 评论0 收藏0
  • 用 150 行 Python 代码写的量子计算模拟器

    ...oin Flip, # Where a state will be prepared, that has an equal chance of # Flipping to Each Possible State. to do this, the Hadamard # Gate will be used. # New Quantum Register of 1 Qubit (As a coi...

    Edison 评论0 收藏0
  • leetcode130. Surrounded Regions

    ...letter O), capture all regions surrounded by X. A region is captured by flipping all Os into Xs in that surrounded region. For example, X X X X X O O X X X O X X O X X After running your functio...

    focusj 评论0 收藏0
  • [LintCode] Surrounded Regions

    ...X and O, capture all regions surrounded by X.A region is captured by flipping all Os into Xs in that surrounded region. Example X X X X X O O X X X O X X O X X After capture all regions surrounded...

    Labradors 评论0 收藏0
  • LeetcodeT832 记录

    LeetCode T832,Flipping an Image 给定一个二阶矩阵,先做水平逆序,然后0,1替换。 比如: 输入: [[1,1,0],[1,0,1],[0,0,0]] 输出: [[1,0,0],[0,1,0],[1,1,1]] 解释: 首先翻转每一行: [[0,1,1],[1,0,1],[0,0,0]];然后反转图片: [[1,0,0],[0,1,0],[1,1,1]] ...

    chavesgu 评论0 收藏0
  • [LeetCode] 487. Max Consecutive Ones II

    ...ip the first zero will get the the maximum number of consecutive 1s. After flipping, the maximum number of consecutive 1s is 4. Note: The input array will only contain 0 and 1.The length of input a...

    nanfeiyan 评论0 收藏0
  • [Leetcode] Surrounded Regions 找出被包围的区域

    ...X and O, capture all regionssurrounded by X. A region is captured by flipping all Os into Xs in that surroundedregion. For example, X X X X X O O X X X O X X O X X After running your function, the...

    miguel.jiang 评论0 收藏0
  • Fabric.js 简单介绍和使用

    ... scaling and rotation — scaleX, scaleY, angle; and even those related to flipping — flipX, flipY. rect.set(fill, red); rect.set({ strokeWidth: 5, stroke: rgba(100,200,200,0.5) }); rect.set(angle, 1...

    piapia 评论0 收藏0
  • 全面解读Group Normalization-(吴育昕-何恺明 )

    ...的其他经过transform过的版本filter2(transform可以是horizontal flipping等),在同一张图像上学习到的特征应该是具有相同的分布,那么,具有相同的特征可以被分到同一个group中,按照个人理解,每一层有很多的卷积核,这些核学习...

    smallStone 评论0 收藏0
  • 【LC总结】Union Find系列(Num of Islands I&II/Graph V

    ... letter O), capture all regions surrounded by X. A region is captured by flipping all Os into Xs in that surrounded region. For example, X X X X X O O X X X O X X O X X After running your function...

    bergwhite 评论0 收藏0
  • 10分钟入门 CSS3 Animation

    ...的小例子: full mario demo animated popup fly items to shopping cart flipping cards

    Elle 评论0 收藏0
  • Leetcode之Union-Find(并查集)

    ...e letter O), capture all regions surrounded by X.A region is captured by flipping all Os into Xs in that surrounded region.For Example:XXXXXOOXXXOXXOXXAfter should become:XXXXXXXXXXXXXOXX class Sol...

    roland_reed 评论0 收藏0


