
Supplier: AdMaster

AdMaster is China's leading third-party data solutions provider specialized in media audits, audience analysis, social media evaluations, monitoring of public opinions, online surveys, and a full range of other evaluation solutions; AdMaster Website:

Use of the product:

  • AdMaster is China's leading third-party data solutions provider specialized in media audits, audience analysis, social media evaluations, monitoring of public opinions, online surveys, and a full range of other evaluation solutions;
    AdMaster Website:


In today's flourishing digital advertisement development, digital data explosion and advertisement sequential purchases, DMP implements mass data technology allowing extraction of the most valuable information from a chaotic mass of available data. DMP assists advertisement providers with management of advertising input, site flow, e-commerce transactions, social resource fans, target audience interests and other important data. These implementation of scientific matrix and thorough research are to provide DSP with neutral target audience description, comprehensive behavior analysis. It also assists advertisement providers and media implementation agencies to optimize advertised input target audience quality and evaluation transformation efficiency which covers the costs of DSP and ExChange platforms maximizing marketing results.
As an independent third-party DMP, AdMaster offers advertisement providers exclusive data management services. These services help advertisers collect ad-browsing data, site traffic data and reaches out to advertisers with CRM, e-commerce channels, brand research, PR activities, product design which provides comprehensive data collection, data management, and data mining. This process involves numerous challenges. In the age of mobile Internet, information is increasingly diverse, explosive data growth is distributed across multiple dispersed, heterogeneous platforms. How do we collect this data in an accurate and comprehensive manner? How do we effectively and reasonably store this vast amounts of structured and unstructured data? Crowd management, audience analysis, and data integration require powerful computing resources, but can the ground IT infrastructure provide these? Especially when the advertiser/advertising agencies, DSP, AdX, etc. are located in different regions, and their cooperation requires time. Can cloud hosts guarantee a rapid, stable and widespread network support in real time? Traditional IT infrastructure is increasingly unable to cope with these challenges.


The emergence of cloud computing presents easy solutions to the problems above. AdMaster chose UCloud, public cloud service provider with the best reputation to provide ground IT support.
Cloud hosting based on virtual technology UHost contains a flexible CPU configuration, memory resources, local hard disk, and a primary operating system which is optimized for server deployment. Flexible IP and bandwidth offers improved scalability at the network level. AdMaster utilizes UCloud to cover computer resources throughout the country and use cloud servers to establish data collection system in every data center. Based on Dynamic elasticity of demand, machine configuration, amount and network are adjusted accordingly to meet user requirements. This is to provide accurate and comprehensive data collection while reducing costs.
In terms of database storage, AdMaster uses UCloud's UDB cloud database. Due to native MySQL instance properties and physical machine environments correlation, one-key master-slave creation and dynamic expansion properties will ease operational pressure and also further increase scalability. Moreover, UCloud's unique MongoDB provides efficient storage for unstructured data.
In order to achieve DSP, etc. real-time response with advertisement providers, high quality network is essential. AdMaster used UCloud's North China, East China, South China and Asia-Pacific data centers to establish nationwide connection nodes to ensure high speed connection.
Besides a flexible infrastructure support, a timely and effective technical support service has also provided AdMaster system with strong guarantees for a stable operation. UCloud's 24/7, 90-second fast response has always communicated with AdMaster and resolved all technical problems within a timely manner.


As advertisers pose increasingly higher demands on data application, the importance of DMP is even more significant. Simultaneously, there are increasingly higher requirements for the DMP IT infrastructure. UCloud provides a convenient way of resource acquisition, flexible resource modification function, fast horizontal scalability, avoiding the disadvantages of traditional IT deployment and greatly reducing operational costs. With the benefit of UCloud's strong ground IT support, AdMaster can focus more on business and provide better services to advertisers.

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